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is feeling absolutely miserable.
is attempting to process yesterday's events. How do move out and break up two days after you move in? All common sense seems lost.
can't sleep. Dumped after five years and ten months is a hell of a shock to the system. Friends, I'll be calling on you guys for support.
can't believe it, again! Add to the things suddenly out of commission today - my relationship! I, too, am in the framing business. WTF, Mai!
@GarnettLee If you like tequila anejo, you'll love rum (ron) anejo.
can't believe it. Another AirPort Extreme is exhibiting the same problems as two weeks ago. WTF Apple!? WTF!?
did not get a McGangbang, thankfully.
is thinking of trying the McGangBang, but worries the Japanese chicken sandwich isn't up to the task.
is closing in on the end of the week.
@ncroal What about Free From The Man Studios?
is recruiting for Adam Freeland on Saturday night in Osaka. Rez, people! Rez!
checking out The Teenagers. Thanks, Thomas!
finally got Mirror's Edge and is as enamoured as he hoped he'd be.
just posted about PlatinumGames' endless fascination with Gears of War.
@arne360 Yes. The "non-trailer". I suspect the lead isn't Dante, because if that is Dante, screw devils, I may cry.
was absolutely *loving* the Inferno trailer, until we were graced with that horrid player character. Abandon all hope, ye who play as he.
just became a customer at revolve clothing for the first time. If they work out, I will use them more often. The yen is too strong to not to
is looking forward to the next Rick Ross album, whenever it should come.
@rlove It was the Russians. If you can see it, you can hit it.


Robert Bowling arne Robert Love Neil Young Nick Gernert mniad codpiece MTV Multiplayer geoffkeighley John Davison N'Gai Croal djaffe GarnettLee Naughty_Dog Capcom_Unity Jonathan Figueroa Cliff Bleszinski