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played Kingdom for Keflings for way too many hours 2nite -- buzzed on cotes du Rhone and homemade tarts. Sleeeeeeep.
mmm... ebay
off to brave Manhattan holiday shopping. Wish me luck!
i'm being interviewed by my old friend and college roommate today! small world.
raise your hand if you've been timpted to buy one of these! (even as a joke) *raises hand*
@zeeubermeep don't be crankles! eat some chocolate and take some Advil!
@russ_fischer fair enough -- i also worship Klosterman
@russ_fischer why are you comparing yourself to Klosterman? geez!
...then take the epic fail boat to fail town. Then they ride the epicfailroad to stormwind.
User quote of the day -- Epic failiure, whoever wrote this deserves to ride the failtrain to the deck of fail, ...
I'm totally not working today, but I miss my crew! So couldn't resist checking in while snow in Vermont piles up around my rental car...
omg -- my coffee maker is on the fritz. Any other fellow coffee junkies have a recommendation on a new grind 'n' brew system?
no more Killzone 2 codes from me via twitter -- we'll be sending out codes from the official contest by tomorrow..
Hey guys -- thanks for participating in our giveaway, we will have more coming up for the holidays!
@NastyPlot wins! Will DM you the code -- thanks everyone for your awesome entries. V. creative!
@Sath1 hey -- i can't open yours
FYI -- this is lolcats --


Rachel Steinberg Major Nelson (Larry) Tyler Weir Randall Bennett Blake Robinson Tony Jacobsen Trina barb dybwad Laurent Courtines Christopher Grant David Abrams John Benyamine Dan Ackerman Robin Yang Kyle Orland bobz fleisher arne GameDaily Ian Underwood Xav de Matos Micheal Mullen Robert Workman Nicole Opas Jill Keil .tiff Dolemes Kryllion MTV Multiplayer gamesdotcom Abraham Megchun Russ Fischer Joshua O'Neal mmargoshka Koolbreeze BOMBMatt