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is losing his voice
is recovering after a weekend of flag football playoffs. His son Alex's team lost 20-27 in the 8-9 year old league Super Bowl.
is celebrating FOUR playoff wins Fri/Sat with Alex's flag football team. Tomorrow is BGC Superbowl. Go Monroe Bears!
is excited to watch his son Alex play in the Boys & Girls Club Flag Football playoffs beginning Thursday night.
is celebrating the evening of the first day of the dawn of a new entertainment experience, ya.
is anxious to hear what people think about the New Xbox Experience when they log into Xbox LIVE Wednesday
is counting down to the Next Xbox Experience launch on Nov 19
can relax and enjoy being an attendee now
is at WOMMA, learning about Word of Mouth Marketing. Watch a live feed at
is speaking on a panel at WOMMA Thursday. Secrets of Prioritizing and Growing Your Social Marketing Strategy
is going offline for two weeks. I'll come back up for air for PAX, then heading to the woods for some time with the family.
is recovering from a weekend at Wild Waves with kids
@Avid_X twins were born on my wife's birthday. :)
is ready for a three-day weekend, and gearing up for three birthday parties. In our family of six, three were born on Aug 23.
@ejalcantara liberal agenda? because only liberals play videogames? or because young people are only liberal?
is feeling meeting'd out
is heading home, in the rain.
@steverubel thanks for the ping! I love that vid. Great way for EA to turn a negative situation to gold, and I bet Tiger enjoyed doing it.
is heading into an afternoon of meetings.


Luciano E. Guerche Joost Schuur Marc Sirkin Heath Row Dina Will Spaetzel Major Nelson (Larry) joy Johnnie Moore Paul Colligan Steve Rubel Nic Fillingham Wendy Sharp Phil Gomes Kim Gregson Mark Sahawneh Casey McKinnon  Andru Edwards shareaholic Sean Alexander  The Bleeding Edge ArtsHub Anita Rowland Leonard Nelson Chris Kissler Duke Newcombe charles sipe Brandon LeBlanc Matt Gerlach Ryan Block paul mooney Peggy Miles Trapper Markelz Steven Vore Ponzi Pirillo
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