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Work Christmas Party this evening, the theme is James Bond which should be a laugh!
Former Chelsea boss Claudio Ranieri will return to Stamford Bridge after Juventus were paired with last season's runner-up
@Whagi_The_Gamer At least now cheesy dancing has come into play just like the real world :)
@erickschonfeld Amazing how far out in front Yahoo are as they have more than all three combined!
If only Tweet Deck were able to do my Christmas shopping for me as then it would be the best Twitter client ever!
Any embargoes broken today?
@Whagi_The_Gamer I've been playing my brothers and it's good fun, my daughter wants one now to play Home but guys are too full on so no way!
The work Christmas Party is James Bond themed, have my tux ready but feel like I am going to a Prom :)
Feeling a little out of the game this evening, tomorrow should be good as it's my work Christmas Party!
I am referring to PlayStation Home, lots of fun although my chess skills need to be improved!
If only performing the Running Man and inviting everyone to 'Follow Me' worked in the real world!
@mbites I feel the same and blame my office air conditioning for filtering it around the whole department!
@rutgerblom See if you can locate where I am on Google Earth, hint: I am wearing a black T-Shirt :)
Lots of noise around embargoes today @techcrunch have created a frenzy! :)
Screw the Holy Grail I just want to understand women!!!! :)
My partner and I decided not to buy presents for each other this year. I couldn't not get anything though, told her and she's not impressed!
Listening to music from hype machine, I love that I can edit the mp3 in the cache and add to my iTunes :)
I won't be satisfied with my Desktop background until I can have displayed the entire Bayeux Tapestry!
@louisgray Sweet I think that I am a long way from introducing those to our company blog!
Watching Die Hard 4.0


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