Adam Kazwell’s Favorites

Corinna Psomadakis
herGreekness "you're like the sexy female L. Ron Hubbard" -@jeffreynolds. I'm receiving the best compliments ever today!
ian c rogers
iancr "Hip hop needs a nirvana moment to slay all the hair metal." So fucking true.
Jason Shellen
shellen Me: What would you like to get Mommy for Christmas? Miles(3): a lightsaber Me: I don't think she wants one. Miles: Ok, maybe a red one then.
hotdogsladies Watching two pigeons fight over who gets to peck at a yellow paint stain on the sidewalk. This recession is already getting weird.
hotdogsladies The new frontier in web metrics will involve quantifying how often we check stats.
bodyvisual Anytime someone tells me "you're funny", I have a sneaking suspicious they mean the exact opposite. And want to stab me in the eyes.
joshacagan Headline: "McCain says Palin didn't Hurt Presidential Bid" No, she didn't hurt it. She gunned it down from a helicopter.
Evan Williams
ev "Wikis are the worst idea ever." - @dickc
danah boyd
zephoria makes me drool. a presidential blog? open job call? list of promises and tracking success? mmm... transparent government
ian c rogers
iancr So check it out. This will sound crazy but it's true. An educated mixed race dude from the midwest is the pres of the US.
Chris Sacca
sacca Just knocked on my last door of this election. The 91 year-old woman who answered didn't say a word. She just gave me a big hug. I lost it.
Chris Sacca
sacca Riding Moab's Slickrock post-storm was a religious experience. Had it entirely to myself. Rainbows out and moonlight back.
Corinna Psomadakis
herGreekness if it's possible to roid out on coffee, yeah, that's what i'm doing. ANd freAking the fuck out.
plinky Trying to make some hard product decisions, and lovin' every minute of it!
photomatt OH: if I knew you were following I would have been more interesting.
Jeremy Zawodny
jzawodn from the chat room: Names for the Sarah Palin porn movie: Drilling in the Artic, Northern Exposure, A Bridge to Ho'Where, Special Needs,
Arvind Narayanan
random_walker dumb: blogger sends me email telling me *i* made a comment. dumber: wordpress sends me email when i link within *my own* blog.
Arvind Narayanan
random_walker productivity tip: subscribe to a mix of work related and non-work blogs. that way, even when you're wasting time you're 50% productive.
ian c rogers
iancr Nothing like a 5:30am debate about the future of the music business with a Russian cab driver
Sean Garrett
seangarrettnow outside lands was a logistical and organizational disaster; but radiohead saved the night


Jack Dorsey noah Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Rael Dornfest veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd Grant Shellen Dave Morin lane jkazwell Stewart Butterfield Caterina Andy Baio photomatt ian c rogers hunterwalk Kevin Rose hotdogsladies Jason Kottke Dale L. Larson David Gorman hans kim Todd Sampson Adam Mathes s_brown susanmernit Nik Bonaddio Corinna Psomadakis Andy Lorek akazwell diablocody New Music jmaslanka