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I gotta get off here before I get angry
@jgillmartin history is written by the victors and who won this election? who writes our history books? who teaches our children?
@jgillmartin in your or my views and it shows.
@jgillmartin believe me, we appreciate people like yourselfs and others who do what you do. but there is the reality that many don't share
@jgillmartin then members of my own party, call me a member of "his army" just shows where their hearts are
@jgillmartin and where is the heart of this nation that elects a man who calls me a war criminal?
@brianoflondon Not all of them and that much if obvious. The maj prty in Congress is anti-war and pretty much anti-military
@jgillmartin And thats why I hate it when someone refers to me being in a presidents' Army, I'll of been in through 3 presidents
@brianoflondon and it helps if your pols and media aren't against you every step of the way
@jgillmartin Oh I know there are are great # of peeps who know we are. But just as many dont, look at the election
@jgillmartin Very few Americans realize that the nation is in a war and even fewer know someone who's involved in it.
@jgillmartin And America is at the mall, look at Israeli civilians versus our own. Our politicians commit treason w/o and nothin' happens.
@jgillmartin Its the truth my friend. We're not a president's army, we're the nation's, theyc an attempt to criticize the truth.
@jgillmartin spades a spade and I dont sugar coat reality, some of this stuff makes me sick so my vulgar side gets tos play
@RedCountyBlogs It just goes to prove that the military (gov't) is at war while America is at the fucking mall
@RedCountyBlogs Frankly I'm a bit offended when someone refers us to as "Bush's Army" or any other moniker
@RedCountyBlogs We don't serve one man, we serve a nation and the Republic by our oath to the Constitution... not the President
@RedCountyBlogs Do us a favor and don't call us "Obama's Army"


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