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@easy6k retweeting - @maczter Anybody need a Wii Fit?
@BillWalsh360 how about one in Austin, TX??
@easy6k he cant find a wii? maybe in january there would be a few on the shelves.
@easy6k I dont get video games. they bore me. except wii. that one at least you can be "Doing" something.
Welcome to my new followers! @Clixto7 @debbiemahler @paulsteven @djazzycool1 @BillHolton1 @Angli
I'm feeling accomplished today. Did a little shopping, made a lasagna. Goofed on how much ricotta I needed haha WOOPS-leftover ricotta
When the alternatives are staying in the same cage or facing the unknown, most ppl choose the cage over and over again
@mattbacak choocka choocka slim shady?
the birds are starting to look at me like I'm crazy for being awake. Time to cover them and head to bed. G'nite all!
@coachkaren woo hoo! that's awesome news!
@ImSleepDeprived thanks! got bored at work one day. Old job let me get away with a lot. wore a green wig once.
@JenWojcik I got a 95% you must be a good influence.
@theglamlife you had me at nonsensical twit.
@ImSleepDeprived I find your name entertaining, and your eyeball awesome.
@mattbacak I see your horns. Got a set of my own
@mattbacak hahaha ok, i get the deviousness of your motive and I like it.
@mattbacak ur just mean. ;-) had to flip my computer upside down


Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Brian Solis Robert Scoble giovanni Jeff Sandquist Paul Colligan Connie Reece Wes Wyatt Kevin Rose Steve Rubel Cali Lewis Eric Bell Orli Yakuel RPM Nick O'Neill Omar Gallaga J Cleveland Payne Trading Goddess Denise Wakeman Kaya Alejandro Reyes Jake Marsh Jennifer Leo Red Sox maczter SearchMarketingGurus Tiffany Dow Andrew Richardson Cyndee Haydon Ed Dale Scott Allen Dan Raine Pete Williams Yisel Guajardo Michael Pine
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