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My bet's on Cisco. re:
Cisco’s Grand Video Plan « NewTeeVee
hypebot: Bopaboo Used MP3 Store Walks Legal Tightrope
jury duty: back to the courthouse tomorow for day 4.
Great shot. It captures the style that so defines Parisian architecture and its interiors. re:
@jnpdx excellent. thanks. i will get those in to the video and the blog post.
i kimd of want to do jury duty again, like right after this trial ends.
@jnpdx - cool to post the recording i did of you at #cyborgcamp? it's so perfect for the video i am making. attribution? tags?
@Kram may i use your pics for cyborgcamp video? i recorded @jnpdx on the ewi. i want to put it to photos. attribution, of course. what tags?
are you at #leweb08? highlights? i'll retweet! :-)
eating lunch at portland's city hall in a well lit atrium just outside the oregoninan news bureau. here until 1:10 if you are in the area.
jury duty, day 3 - finish today? looks like it!
Google Expands Street View: You Really Can't Hide Anymore
20 New DVDs That Make Great Gifts (With Clips)
Top 8 Influential Leaders & Their 10 News in Year 2008
20 Years Later, Exxon Valdez Spill Payments Reach Claimants
Ballesteros returns home after op
for tech blog junkies is following layoffs like following sports?
@OregonianBiz #ovp drops to one partner and you say "they are committed to oregon?" you lost me. is that what their press release said?
#fredmeyer cashier asks me to put the "close," sign out for her. going on break?, i asked. "fuck no!," she said. "i'm going home."