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@Tinu Disturbed by Kos transcript. IMO irresponsible journalism. Putting in quotes like that... will get picked up as authentic.
@hkremer old lady? purse? seriously?
@MikeG1 You won't get an argument from me!
@LilPecan You think I'm crazy? Well, thank you very much. I've seen what passes as sane. :-)
@easy6k Hotwings & pool sounds like you are living on the edge, gosh darn it! Go girl.
Wintry soup in SF? Yes. Gloat all you Midwest, Canadian & East coaster.. SF getting a cold front. BRRR.
just cut up all the veggies left in the fridge & put into Rapunzel Organic Bouillion stock. Then a litle miso & wallah!... yummy wintry ...
Just broke my favorite tea mug. Need a new favorite tea mug.
$950 for a hair cut? Get outahere.
@thomasclifford ❤ Really liked you new linked in profile . Well done.
Hedgefund folks scammed by Madoff's Ponzi Scheme. My sense is that hedge funders were all schemers of one sort or the other.
@ApothecaryJeri Good for you Jeri. The famous twitter coach & famous Olympic coach at the same time :)
@easy6k Thank you. You are kind to say that.
2 posts 2 days. OMG--I'm finally blogging. Today: Citizens, Spend Your Time Wisely. We elect way too many Blagos.
RT @lonniehodge: Interesting use of Twitter by University of Chicago Law School:
@nwjerseyliz Knowing Tyson felt their giving their food to feed hungry for comment disturbing. Rather fill bag w food & bring it myself.
RT @nwjerseyliz: I have this thing against companies offering to donate pennies if you buy their merchandise. Rather send check myself.
RT @anodyne2art: @wendelldotme yr us f trm "disemvoweling", controversial method of comment semi-deletion pioneered by ...
@awolk Yes! You talked me down :-) I'm watching Heroes. Thank goodness for Netflix.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Jason Goldman Mary Hodder Tara missrogue Hunt Mark Smithivas Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Kingsley Joseph Thor Muller Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Dave LaMorte Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Jim Long Brian Solis Gregarious Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Robert Scoble Michael Markman Graham Holliday Hugh MacLeod francine hardaway Kyle Flaherty Jeremiah Neils Brooks Mary Wallace Andrew Mager Steve Rubel Mike Gunderloy
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