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catching up on the last few episodes of dexter s03
have the window open to listen to the rain, blogging about my home studio
New Post: How to work for free: I’d like to put in my .02 on this set of posts from strobist, cha..
gotta keep the ball rolling on the blog. thinking of ideas now.
trying out remember the milk. it looks cool, we'll see if it sticks.
inbox zero! w00t!
@jaredwsmith that's what i thought re:flock
post office, and then lunch back home, and then chores. extremely glamorous!
is there some reason that flock makes no sense to me?
New Post: What I’m focusing on in 2009: It’s crazy that “hey, i should post to my blog̶..
processing a christmas print order for a neighbor. then, document work. i hate document work.
my google reader is almost totally empty, including starred items! i am now making an effort to blog first thing in the morning.
@coolcatteacher that sounds like wayne's world, maybe?
in the meantime, i've updated portfolios here: check check it!
i go through phases where i don't communicate. coming out of it now. will be tweeting and blogging again!
New Post: On Proposals: I read this really awesome post over on freelance folder recently, and..


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Lane Matt Galligan Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Eric Alba Mack D. Male Dave McClure Nick Douglas Chris MacDonald Paul Thrasher Mr Messina Robert Occhialini Kathy Johnson chaz Coty Rosenblath Tim Martin Hall michael lambie tommy payne Scott Beale Jim Kleckner Josh Bancroft Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Brett Petersel Lynn Wallenstein caleb Shawn
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