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@missbritt U mean a buyer, right? @whall U r screwed... Tweeting from Twhirl is like flying in a corporate jet when you make cars
@missbritt I say sell high (yours) and buy low (mine). I take PayPal.
My Twitter profile is worth $178 (
They read my mind: Retweeting @mashable: Ad Revenue Estimates for Social Networks Take a Dive ( )
@missbritt Lol... well if that's true then you shouldn't be seeing shrinking revenues. It should be growing as the better/powerful deal.
@missbritt I'm not dismissing it... but I think it is both overrated and overpriced. I think your seeing that right now in fact.
@MsMegan You're just hot because the a/c isn't on. ;)
@missbritt And blogs may not convert into the profit margins they want, and therefore its a luxury that is expendable in cuts
@missbritt I don't think it's click thru's they are looking for. They now $ TV/radio= $ product. Add in $ blog = $ > $ product...
@missbritt TV and radio are broadcasting the message, and still have reach numbers the 'net hasn't scratched yet.
@missbritt That's true about the buys, but if a type of advertising is a poor convertor then that's what gets cut first.
@missbritt convertors for the advertiser. Not surprising to me.
@missbritt But become victims when they look to cut and that advertising isn't converting into sales. So it could indicate Blog ads are poor
@missbritt It's definitely a bad move, but ad budgets and campaigns are usually set a minimum of a year in advance...
@missbritt That is very... interesting. An early indicator of advertising budgets taking a hit due to the economy? Something to look into
@missbritt Do I understand that right? The more impressions you have, you are making less $$$?
Fresh Bone: Momentous Moment
Fresh Eye: Bristol Border Sign
@lazylikewally Yeah... it's been crazy lately with the holidays... I have the boxes and the milk... just lacking in time...


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