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A Century of Freedom and the Movement that will Achieve it
Ron Paul on Cavuto
Just returned from Minneapolis. Check out and join the Campaign for Liberty!! http://www.campaignforliber...
Anyone need an Abelon '08 yard sign? I need help getting elected!
Was on 1320AM a few minutes ago - Dave Siebert Show. That was far more fun than I thought!!! Went in nervous, came out with a smile.
Limited Constitutional Government, Free Markets, Strong National Defense, Individual Liberty. In Duval Co., FL. I need your vote!
Running for State Committeewoman:
After much deliberation, I've decided to run for State Committewoman.
Tick, tock, tick, tock. Waiting on a client.
Working on my birthday. There should be a law against that.
Trying to get my new site finished today.
@Pos3idon - could be. Try the info I sent ya. I didn't reduce my number of extensions, but cut memory usage by half w/ that trick.
@ pos3idon. I had same problem. I'll send you info to help fix.
My first time getting involved in politics and doing more than "voting for lesser evil." Go Ron Paul!
Been away from the Twitter world far too long.
whafro - congrats on the new apt.
Ah....Twitter relief. Will be heading to bed soon. Have a slight case of the sniffles. :-( and a long day to boot.
Wishes she could be in Austin with everyone, but hopes everyone has a truly wonderful time there.
Just met an awesome candidate for our web developer/designer position.
Is waiting for our FTP connection to come back up. ...boring...


Biz Stone Kevin Lawver Dan Cederholm Dan Benjamin Minger Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian pixeldiva Beep. Snook Jackson Wilkinson Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Jim Callender Nate Koechley Brian Fling Jason Garber Paul Hammond Christian Heilmann Ryan Carson Jeremy Carbaugh Mike Stickel Cameron Adams Faruk Ates Jeff Croft cindy li Malarkey Adam Schilling Harry Andy Budd Jeffrey Zeldman CNN Breaking News desgrassia Macworld