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@Snowshadow not much to that
@blackfonzie I lied - The Star is Twittering - that must be fairly recent.
@blackfonzie my local paper does - the big one I work for does not. They need to get on that.
@blackfonzie yes - it lost its comic edge a long time ago.
have you got your paper sending out news updates via Twitter yet
Planet of the Apes - different story.
@blackfonzie there are at least two Rocky Marathons a year in these parts. I guess I just don`t want to start in case I can`t stop.
@blackfonzie I watched the first year of South Park and thought it was brilliant (I did a lot of drinking back then) then it got cheesy too.
-9C this morning. The puddles should all be frozen solid again. No wind so it's probably an outdoor run morning.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the planet who has never watched a Simpsons episode. I have also never seen a Rocky movie.
@blackfonzie isn't vjqdhbgyenbye one of your friends? Just started following me but has been suspended for 'suspicious' activity.
@timhibbard Join the Favourite Reindeer Challenge - and sign on to Prance. Puleeeeze.
@timhibbard I haven't given up on it, but it was not nice when it crashed - Buckeye Outdoors is just as social - go join some challenges!
@Snowshadow I'll be there - 15 minutes late but I log in as soon as I get home.
@Snowshadow try to run? I did 5 miles this morning - don't think I'll be going again today.
@Krister_RtNP go do it - it's not so bad once you're out - I did it this morning.
Twitterfon seems to be working again


Carrie michael b Allan Gyorke Russell Turley Gordon Scott Zen Runner MarathonChris Bob McWilliams Tim Hibbard Brandon Christopher Kusek Karin Marshall cyberpenguin steverunner vkoser kchealy Andrew kimba90 Brad Hefta-Gaub Joel Kelly Tony C. Hall Sandy Shealy Steve Heath texafornia John Frenette rrg98 fat2fit blackfonzie Jo nigelrunner runner7395 SnowShadow kelownagurl columbusnet PainterNik