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Desperate for a smile, I am downloading Eddy Grant's Electric Avenue and Musical Youth's Pass the Dutchie...
Playing ice hockey w/o a visor is a testament to my balls, stupidity and confidence in that order.
@thekooze. My 4am mugshots are not that pretty lol !!!
Working on my new TV show 'Appraise God' and my culinary delight...the Chinese Food sandwich.
The family wants a dog...I gave only one condition...if its a boy, the name is Ogie. If its a girl, Maxim Afinogenov.
@sacca 'Call Detroit...tell dem boolshit'
@fakesacca The Sabres missed you at their morning skate in were scheduled to help Lindy work on the powerplay breakouts.
@kanyewest says 'who the fuck is Stephen Colbert' and I can't stop laughing!
Call it it it first class upgrade is a nice start to the day thanks to a frisky-flirty GM from American
A $28 glass of wine should induce an orgasm...or I should be allowed to break the glass when I'm finished.
@thekooze now if twitter could give us a video snippet of Chris singing the Dukes of Hazzard theme...
@sacca @thekooze & @chester has twitter's utility reached at an all time high or low based on random karaoke requests? Rhiana Umbrella
Gonna be a tough crowd...all tvs in the box have the Kansas-Mizzou football game on...and I already dropped my Derek Fine knowledge...oof
On my way to a Blues hockey game with the social and economic elite of St. Louis...I'm there to explain the rules and entertain
LIstening to people talk about the brawl in the Wood River, IL Wal-Mart over a motorized kid-car.
The Keller Family Chistmas tree was trimmed without a single ACLU injunction....nice!
Giving Thanks for my crack-up, sweetheart, age appropriate, clever, original, god loving, smiley 5 year old princess!
Thanks to Colonel Lanto...Thanksgiving at the Officers Club was off the meat rack
Trying to predict if the angry left will give me grief if I wish them Happy Thanksgiving. Veterans Day and Christmas wishes have been tough
@thekooze I suppose my truck is my weapon, permit and gear...but what are the odds of clipping a deer on purpose on I-70?


Steve Jenson Chris Sacca Chester Serena Brian Sacca kevin.coady swanlike Crystal English God Hobo Jones Gerald Sacca Alexe Alexe Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Paul Kedrosky Snoop Dogg Kate Holzemer eicheph Fake Steven Wright Trendio P Minnie Ingersoll Hammer dick costolo pwytter KanYe West Joe Tacca Cat Leitner benbernanke LukeWilson Soupy Sales AspenInstitute LeVar Burton simonratner St Louis Beer Club Patricia Cesaire Lance Armstrong