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requires more bacon.
Do I want this random extra fourth shot in my white mocha? Why yes, you're damn right I do.
CC is a very "Agile" design and engineering environment —
Oh Boddingtons, I love your millions of tiny bubbles.
Annoyed, a car parked in my space. Also, East Bay ferry is super expensive.
Regarding my Siouxsie tweet yesterday; this indiscretion has been resolved. Apologies to everyone.
Finally ordered shiny new motorcycle parts. Merry Christmas, me!
is laughing out loud at the absurdity of it all.
hopefully done with this newsletter, just in time for lunch!
is tearing things apart and making them better.
I find myself addicted to lemon/lime soda (they all taste the same to me, delicious).
is replacing the litter. I'M SUCH A GOOD FATHER.
I retract my previous statement regarding the HVAC. Sorry.
doesn't have much faith in the pair of engineers working on the office HVAC.
has no Siouxsie and The Banshees on his iGoth... Something is terribly amiss here.
Time for delicious, warm, curry in the cold, cold office.
So much to do. is filling up fast.
has to wait for his Dexter fix.
Well look at that, I quoted this project would take 16 hours, and it did. Google Maps API didn't suck either.


endquote Scott Beale twozdai Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Zannah Derek Brian Heung Alex Payne rands John Gruber teh_real_chock SF Weather Status Updates Jeffrey Zeldman Khoi Vinh Bryan Veloso Tommy Vallier Twitterrific rstevens Fraser Speirs Brent Simmons Daniel Jalkut Joi Ito Gus Mueller Steven Frank Jon Phillips hotdogsladies Scott Kurtz Chris Hanson Matt Haughey Jeff Lindsay rick Bay Area Earthquakes Scott Simpson