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Thinking a lot about forgiveness today-thanks Dave. Not sure this fits:"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."-John F. Kennedy
My new Twitter background was produced for free by Any thoughts?
Great piece on doing Twitter right
@kirstenwright For up-to-date tweets I'd use or TweetDeck Twellow's unique advantage is searching bios, not tweets
Twitter tip-looking for specific types of individuals to follow? Search bios at Pls RT
@JohnKasich Congratulations! I hope things go well. I'm sure you'll do a fine job. Who is/are the guest/s?
@GuyHagen Obviously aggregating Twinfluence scores quickly runs into gross over-estimation, but having difficulty determining approp. factor
@GuyHagen I'm trying to come up with a reasonable process for estimating a group's 2nd order influence on Twitter. Any thoughts?
@parislemon Did you see today's story on how hard it was to get Benjamin Button made?
@parislemon I'm aggressive about blocking spammers so no one sees them on my follow list and assumes they're ok-so I didn't see any big drop
@Scobleizer Peak value more likely from targeted advertising (increases base and value per image). Analytics another key monetization poss.
@tdavidson Be intentional about exposing yourself to opposites-following people interested in things you're not on Twitter is a good start:)
@Seorse Yes, though now he's "Outliers" Gladwell.
"Non-symmetrical comparisons are far more interesting and thought-provoking than symmetrical" ones-M. Gladwell- Find new idea sources.
@sherikayehoff I had a boss once who told me I only had to work half days and I could choose which 12 hours I wanted that to be. :)
@digitalvision But are they increasing preference for their brand? Building loyalty? Increasing sales? Or being counterproductive?
@mattbramanti You're most likely right. So, then, in the long run, what has it done for their sales? i.e. Is it working?
@lavellecollins I addressed that on my blog-that's the one smart possibility, but I think ultimately counterproductive.
"Burger King Goes Insane" - my latest blog post at What do you think?
Burger King has a new brand of perfume. Not a joke-and if it were it wouldn't be a good one. "Flame by BK"


Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Matt Cutler Jeff Bonforte David Crow Manuel Viloria Jonathan Wight Michael Fitzhugh Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Sean Oliver RobertMichaelMurray Michael McFadden Greg Allen Cameron Marlow Dan Benjamin Christopher Savage Lori White Chris Brogan Bill Palmer John Federico Doug Haslam Jim Long Wedge Geoffrey Grosenbach Joe Dearman Kuanyin Moi Keith Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Richard Rutter Dina Andy Kaufman
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