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this is insane. i found a way to get 20 free songs a month from iTunes via Bebo. whoa. super cool.
@doctorious thanks for the mention on your blog about 3 degrees of separation via social networks
Just made a customizable blog widget for facereviews check it out
@sdreinhart1975 how is twitter shutting you off? are you exceeding query limits on the API?
man i really love @widgetbox they have built an amazing simple to use platform to create little widgets for almost anything you can imagine
@VegasBill thanks. I took the pic just after sunset as we were drinking wine and eating cheese in the exact spot I met my wife 14 yrs ago
man Yahoo pipes is a bit slow tonight. anyone else seeing this issue? - San diego skyline dinner at the Hyatt
@ChrisCree agreed. a good ribbing from my friends is always great.
what am i sharing from other sources? follow this.
@koudos yup. truth is my company is entirely virtual and worldwide. has been for years. but tech enables non tech jobs to be virtualized
Via @kanter PEW Internet 20/20 report interesting trends: personal/professional online distinctions will disappear
@ScottMonty have done branding, marketing, technology & social media consulting b4 it was called that for many years
@kanter great study and i like your insights on the PEW report. thanks. I have been virtual for nearly the past 15 years. this is normal 2me
@ScottMonty I engineered a robotics cell that assembled parts of the Ford Taurus Dashboards.
@ScottMonty Ann Arbor is a great town. I did some work for the Ford PPV division there years ago in my robotoics engineering days.
@pauladrum that is a tough branding question since all profile pics are "blocks" I would leave it.If you added HR Block it might help recog
@drthomasho had some great NCAA memories at the Hoosier #dome from the 80's march madness baby.
disadvantage of being CEO of web based/centric consulting company: the internet has no on/off hours. ;) advantages: work anywhere anytime
@om but we never heard you make a huge stink on embargoes. ;) nice that you just decided to do it and move forward. hope you are well.


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