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About to start Living Game Worlds IV conference #LGWIV streaming live at & in SL:
pheww, finally got my old laptop connected to the internet, so my mom can use it again.
I'm eating home baked bread this morning! :D
I have a neat idea to imporve the im interface in SL. *starts mocking*
Transgender man elected mayor of Silverton.
Barack's campaign team has been uploading their photos to flickr, and it is all copyleft.
Just cleanup the autostart registery. It is amazing the amounth of stuff that gets in there, even on a relative new computer
I will be microblogging from my phone soon.
woot my nokia n95 8gb has arrived
nokia n95 8gb will be delivered tomorrow! Free with and I even went to a cheaper plan! :D
Blog: Reopening American Cancer Society Island.
damnit again woke up after a few hours of sleep and can't sleep anymore.
@mufan96 Long live MySpace. ;P
ugh why am I awake.
1 nov: physical virtuality: “what’s the weight of an avatar?”
I just noticed that gmail has a emoticon button, must be new. Reporter sneaks in on JPMorgan call, exctve says that bailout money will not be used to increase lending as promised.
flickr hit the mainstream news today in Holland. The Dutch National archive has photos in The Commons.
It is nice to have a day where I suprise myself with my awesomeness. It has been to long.
@SinTrenton Maybe in this case: "As long as she stays in Alaska." :P


Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Jason Calacanis Justine Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan kristen crusius Bill Palmer Jay Moonah Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Teressa Flye  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Siobhan Curran Robert Scoble Boris Alex Payne Kent Kevin Gamble Kristian Jeff O'Hara Jeff Barr Aimee Weber Max Case    Erica OGrady Ng Wai Mun Nico             whurley Bwana Adam Pasick Poinky Malaprop L.J. Shockwave Wayne MacPhail
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