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Cleaner's gone. Now back to sleeZZZZzzzzz
For some reason my lower back hurts like hell. Old age? BAH!
Still sleepy. But I had to nudge out of bed because I'm having my place cleaned. Will sleep again after the cleaners leave.
Well that was party was something
Off to the ManBlog Xmas party! But first I need to get a gift
Keanu's "defining" moment in The Day the Earth Stood Still LOL.
I've been looking for this cool made-for-tv movie starring Clooney for a long time now
OMG so many actors that have been typecast in this movie. LOL!
Everybody's really going gaga over touchscreen interfaces. Microsoft Surface appears to be used in "The Day the Earth Stood Still".
Crud 27th and 28th are weekends. Wow. I'm screwed.
@mparaz Crap someone just said theyd be opening on the 27th and 28th? :( I really hope so.
Sleep for a few hours then continue working on the RedKiwi site.
Does anyone know if banks will be closed from 26th to 1st?
And off I go
Oh Geebus I feel like crap
That isn't even valid.
OMG I actually retained something from those horrible psychological measurement classes in college.
@mparaz I put more weight on standardized tests like the Stanford-Binet test or WAIS-R. Good practice suggests you take a battery of tests.
@mparaz Accuracy of the MENSA test in measuring real intelligence is actually disputed within psychology circles.


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