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@inkedmn that's the nicest definition for a documentation ever :) so... fluid :)))
@patrickrhone well, time to leave the old for the new, maybe... :)
@jamieharrop but you can try pine buds, seriously speaking
@ReikiMoon don't know if this is what you're looking for, but worth a visit
@exarhu the internet and all the warriors of light, that is :)
just before I leave the house: @PauloCoelho is following me! I'm really honored. A touch of bliss.
we're now going out and have no clue when we'll be back :-)
@gapingvoid huh, no jetlag for me but still awake from 4:30 AM. Must be contagious :-) (it's 12:45 now where I live and already took a nap)
Just reviewed my goal list for 2008, written on December 31st 2007. It's almost scary how many goals become reality. I'm puzzled. Really am.
day went great so far, I love it when I'm up early, it's quiet and my focus is razor sharp
Oops, Paulo Coelho is on Twittter @PauloCoelho! And he's doing fantastic, more than 1500 updates! via @chrisbrogan
Imagine your heart stopping out of boredom. Impossible, right? Creating means giving heart. Unstoppable, constant heart beats. #discipline
New blog post: Posting Speed, Blog Metrics And Holidays
@LeMec sleep well :-)
a little bit earlier than usual, but nevertheless eager to tweet, so morning everybody
and we're now an official MobileMe user... Such a big leap forward from .Mac days. Now I feel it's worth paying for it :-)
@chrisbrogan neither technology or strategy are solutions. Only action is. Having a strategy with no action is like technology without users
@cruciformity hey, don't worry! must be some Twitter lag somewhere... Take your time and have a great week :-)
@andyeb congrats! you deserve this, made a great tool :-)
@PRsarahevans morning, so to speak (It's 3 PM here). Thanks for the wishes and have a great day too :-) Oh, a bit chilly here too


Biz Stone Evan Williams Xeni Jardin om Dave McClure Mr Messina Michael Parekh Scott Beale Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Molly E. Holzschlag Justine Chris Brogan Chris Marsden Beth Kanter Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Tantek Çelik  C.C. Chapman Todd R Jordan Oyvind Solstad Robert Scoble Mike Butcher giovanni Sergiu Floroaia John Gruber Anil Dash  Lee Wilkins Darren Waters Eric Friedman Hugh MacLeod Jeremy Pepper Kevin Marks
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