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so, who is using clojure in practice? not just playing around... but actually using it?
working out inaugaration logistics. this is gonna be a doozy
@offbytwo i don't find lisp sexy. but i like new languages
@batasrki could be... i'll have to find something to try it out on
@offbytwo but... what is so hot about it? it isn't very nice looking
why is clojure such a hot language?
something tweetdeck like... but written for the mac.. and uses proper growl.. yeah thats what i want
@clarkware i agree with you re: iphone app prices
i'm compiling qt. on my mac. rock on
@gdevore even with a price tag, so far little snapper > skitch
@rcavanaugh there will be tatft shirts at acts as conference
@rcavanaugh you can't go wrong with that shirt
@rich_kilmer not a rewrite. more of a just put it out there and lets see whats standing in 3 months. we'll take that and build on it
@curtisgray that wasn't my article. i was just forwarding it on :)
@reillyhawk unions in their current form do not serve a good purpose. i wonder what the president of the UAWmakes?
@jptoto someone needs to end the stalemate. bad things are going to happen, but they will only be worse if let this mess continue on.
@curtisgray i understand your feelings, but we have to start somewhere.
i don't support any bailout of the auto industry. to truly get this right, i think we need to wipe the slate clean and start over.


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