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@deanwhitbread @parkylondon saga car insurance ? ;-) no claims discount for getting through twinterval unscaved.
@deanwhitbread the thought of chocolate spread makes me think of nutella in crepes. i am going to have to go to france now /me books flight
@parkylondon ta for the pics. tis interesting to see that twitter attracts the more mature (in age) brigade. akin to podcasting, i'd say.
@warzabidul that's ok. an idea for a future post hopefully.
@deanwhitbread good morning :) i hope you're avoiding croissants at the moment.
@warzabidul your comment on watching UGC was interesting. if you have any tips that are easy to implement, please share :)
@warzabidul i looked up "the film sense" ... the amazon reviews suggests that it's a difficult read. is there another book you'd recommend?
tinnion status : working=false; hungryhorrace=true;beercount=0;shynesslevel=0.25;sillylevel=1.0
@documentally i caught the cameron action this morning ... congrats. you were so close to getting a question. next time!
@lemills I woke up to see you mention the comment you had from your mum, very touching.
@lemills i must be coming out of a cloud ... i understood yesterdays tweet about sabotage and this one about acronyms and abbreviations!! :D
otherwise i will sleep in the recovery position, get some towels by the bed - all that kind of fun stuff :)
@Documentally thanks Christian. I appreciate the thought. I am going to try and stay up for an hour to see if I feel better
feeling a bit sick. over worked today (just finished) and ate too late :(
RT BBCBiz Can Microsoft survive the mobile onslaught of rivals? interesting read. More good things said about INQ1


Alan Bradburne Lloyd Davis Delia technokitten BBC Business Linda Mills Paul Parkinson Annie Mole ✓Chris Hambly kosso Mike O'Hara Richard A. John Buckley Amy Kate Kat Bonnie Peirce Steve Purkiss Deek Deekster Johann Romefort Janet Parkinson Efisia ba baa Billy Abbott Documentally mattbrady paul nicholls Adrian Pegg JohnCleese Patty Hartwell Paul Pinfield hmrc alexbellinger imsg DowningStreet Debbie Davies Sarah Curtis