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“Are we inside a huge ‘try’ here?” “I think we’re inside a huge FAIL.”
*First time I heard ...* It is 1982. Toni Basil releases "Mickey." My best friend tells me he doesn't like it because it's "punk rock." :-D
@pengwynn: I dub thee "WIN Netherland."
In massive photo-editing mode.
@cglee: Here’s an interesting variation on that theme:
Took my five-year-old's hand and pulled him out of the way of a careless parking-lot motorist. He said, "Gracias por salvarme, Papi."
Two nights in a row of superb live music. Last night Nathan Clark George Trio and tonight Mercury Baroque. Heaven!
Streaming “Le scaphandre et le papillon” from
My Rubyists group on LinkedIn just hit 500 members.
@jeremey: We gave up on that this year. Instead, I made a collage of individual action shots of the four kids. Turned out well.
Anybody know where the phrase “gears of war” originated? Tolkein, Churchill, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Machiavelli, Plato, Sun Tzu … ?
The idea of “integrity theft” in is hooey. Integrity can’t be stolen. You have to give it up.
Paul Graham always writes about the same thing. But it’s always worth reading anyway, and I enjoy his stuff every time.
@keith_lancaster and @jeremey: Thanks for the belly laughs. The bailout ad and the Nikon rant were priceless. @pengwynn: I feel your pain.
Mos Def on Chuck Berry’s legacy: “Don’t go where the path may lead. Go where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Some days the only success you can claim is that you made some impressive trick shots at the team-room Nerf basketball hoop.
Digital certificates are a pain in the rear!
NPR piece this morning on extraordinary rendition was stomach-turning and infuriating. If true, we no longer live in the land of the free.
Feeding @ajonsson's tabouli to our 2.5-year-old. He's eating it up. :-D With ketchup. :-/
@spolsky: Not that you want to hear this, but have you considered using Webby instead?


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