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I'm looking forward to taking the kids to see Santa today! They are finally old enough to understand it all. :)
Getting the kids ready to go to school in this freezing cold weather. 6 below with a high of 3 below and thats before the wind chill!
Watching Harry Potter and the POA. Excited that we are going to try Cici's Pizza for supper.
I have a headache and would like to be home sleeping! Anyone wanna come take over for me?
Please keep my husband, Mike, in your thoughts and prayers as he goes in for exploratory abdominal surgery this afternoon.
Just sent kids to speech. Going to get cleaned up, pick them up and head to the hospital.
@mommymadonna I had that problem earlier. I'm a radio operator.
So tired from spending the whole day in the hospital with Mike. We still have to go to the kids' ECFE class.
Mike's first test turned out ok. Waiting to find out when he will have the next one.
Between having Mike in the hospital tonight and his grandpa dying this evening we still have a long week a head of us.
Kids are clean and in PJs bed soon and hoping I sleep ok tonight. Usually have a hard time sleeping when Mike isn't here.
@ffluvssg1 It's looking like it wasn't his appendix. We may be looking at a Diagnosis of Chron's Disease. Hoping it is just an infection.
Waiting while they work Mike up for Apendecitis.
Picking up kids from sunday school. Then home for lunch and lots of cleaning!
Kids are in bed. I'm going to watch tv 'til I fall asleep.
Just watched the new Harry Potter and HBP trailer that is going to be shown w/ Twilight next Friday ... WOW!
Mike just decided he doesn't want a haircut today because the bathroom smells like toilet bowl cleaner & he doesn't want to shower in there.
Kids are going to bed early. We are all getting tired and crabby. Then quite night to myself 'til Mike gets home.
(cont) loaded and ran dishwasher. Still need to cut Mike's hair before he leaves to watch his HS in the state FB semi-finals.
(cont) put away my clothes and the kids' clothes (Mike does his own laundry), put away towels and sheets, cleaned toilet


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