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@aboyer I need to get on the hoodie-list, stat.
1300 words of copy. 1200 of them are legal disclaimers. Barf.
@LinkedInBrian Look like. As far as YOU know. Bwahaha.
I look like an escaped felon on my new driver's license. Rawrrr!
Aww, thanks @tosbourn
If someone gets you a Scooby Doo Chia Pet for Xmas, they probably hate you.
@gdefelice good eye! thanks for catching that—'tis fixed
Multi-colored or white Xmas lights?
Press hits from Berlin & Toronto today. I'm continually amazed at & grateful for the Internet.
I get to watch the yule log on TV this year. This pleases me greatly. Nothing is more entertaining. (not sarcasm)
@howardweaver Your post made me cry, then go outside and buy a newspaper.
@happypork I called the woman, she was confused but glad I contacted her. Unrelated: you and your lovely wife must visit Seattle promptly!
@SnorkyJr Actually, she's lucky I'm not evil, because I have ALL of her info now—the email posing is dangerous 4 her, not me.
Judy C. Hagy: Your kids got Alltel phones for Xmas! Pink & green! Free w/rebate! I have your CC#! Stop using my email address!
@loveday Really? I'd massively appreciate that.
@spants That book is super-uber-mega-wrong
@cmalbeuf Yeah. I sent ya some gmail.
@onewil a dead mentor would only be helpful if I were REALLY into anatomy or needed a kidney.


Douglas Karr kris krug Wil Jason DiMambro Frank Arrigo Andy Polaine Jay A. Morgan Jen Myers kim garretson Dean Shareski Paul Parkinson David Armano Melanie Rosenthal Howard Weaver Gavin Heaton Tim Windsor Andy Taylor Paul OFlaherty Steve Bridger Jenny Andrews Ryan Sholin Randy Matheson Laura Ross karl long Dave Whittle Andrea Hill ted weinstein Juan Garcia Wink Julian Cole citizenziggy Laurel Papworth Mitchell Allen Julia Schrenkler dirty snowflake Jon Burkhart
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