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Hello, Mother Nature? freezing? That's not a Mediterranean climate last I checked. Sincerely, Wussified Californian
@brettw I wonder if more bundled services - office suite, telephony, et cetera would be attractive
Mother Nature missed the memo that rain is not authorized when my umbrella is at home.
@uknzguy thoughts so far? I haven't gotten much past running the installer at this point.
@bhousman with that lappy you better trail the power cord down the Jetway. :P
damn it, another woot-off gone and another bag of crap not scored.
@brettw if only we had a use for Yahoo!'s 1500 worst PHP programmers and MySQL DBA's :) - @larzshinobi plenty of Xmas spirit here. I even decorated the office a bit.
@brettw I haven't yet. Went to site and was put off by the US$349/seat pricetag. I've heard lots of good things about it though.
@larzshinobi love the Xmas login. Good work!
Can anyone relate their experiences with Splunk in a primarily Windows data centre environment?
@Eddy_Chan "still?" was I supposed to stop? :P for the adults I know it's more like 90%
@Eddy_Chan we'll send you one, although with the dollar getting out of the toilet it'll cost ya, $299/A$455
@Eddy_Chan IKEA stores are designed by same guys as Vegas casinos - impossible to get to where you need without walking past everything else
So irritated with Google. They won't let me add to my Google Apps account. (it contains a prohibited word) FAIL
@larzshinobi what's the best way to load photos onto a Mac? I hate iPhoto... I just want to load and rename them sequentially like Windoze.
Hello dickwad eating fried chicken in the train: the rest of us are starving asshole. Eat something that smells that good before boarding.
I declare today cancelled on account of shittiness. Tomorrow damn well better be better by far.
@larzshinobi that's pretty! I don't think of Australia as a place with big old cathedrals like that. Who gets married on Friday btw?


Brad Fitzpatrick Kevin Rose Rick Boarman Martin Schwimmer Revver Robert Russell Bardia Housman MartyPoulin eCOST thatpatti Elvine V. Larz Shinobi Ian Beyer allisonberding brettw sedrik Eddy Chan Jen Aguirre Ross Brown meri_hoover Pam Pirie jimbo68 ozraven