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W00T! Thanks @maczot. I just won a copy of Pagico. Looks pretty nifty.
Off to bed, have a great night all.
@ateegarden No prob, I like your blog too. Will let you know once The Successful Geek(my podcast) is launched.
@ateegarden Yes, I am lucky enough to know him. He is even going to be on my podcast once I get it going. On Twitter too, @noahstjohn
Well, made a Twitter account for my podcast that should see Episode 1 in January. Watch @successfulgeek for news.
@garyvee Wish I could but it's a bit far for me to travel at this point. If you ever do anything in Florida though, I'm there.
@scottsigler When you make the NYTimes Bestseller list, I think @maebreakall will deserve a raise.
Call for help! I need someone who knows Drupal to get a site set up for me. I hate to ask but I'm just not getting it done. DM me please!
Just signed up as an affiliate for my favorite success coach that's changing the self-help industry:
Listening to the call that @ductape did with @chrisbrogan about using Twitter for business. Pretty good stuff.
Out for pizza with the family. Probably going to log on to Warhammer tonight. Any folks on here play?
Got my CONTAGIOUS audio CDs and Hardcover pre-ordered. Go get yours at
Ok sorry for the run on Shorty nominations, just wanted to get them out of the way. I am done with them for now.
@shortyawards I nominate @TeeMonster for a Shorty Award in #entertainment because he's just so darn entertaining, I mean look at him... :-D
@shortyawards I nominate @noahstjohn for a Shorty Award in #personal because he gets rid of the head trash.
@shortyawards I nominate @garyvee for a Shorty Award in #brand because he is such a great inspiration.
@shortyawards I nominate @hodgman for a Shorty Award in #humor because The Areas of My Expertise rocks.
So yeah that hookah bar was pretty awesome. Can't wait to get a bigger group there.
At Sahra Hookah. Pretty nice place and not busy at all. It is a wednesday evening though and it might get more busy as the night goes on.
Who is up for Hookah tonight in Ft. Myers? DM me and we can meet up.


Mark Taylor Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Brian Clark  C.C. Chapman Douglas Karr Victor Cajiao Jeff Croft Kent Ryan Price Tamar Weinberg Paul Stamatiou Podcastpickle ted murphy Trevor Griffin Rick Tilery hotdogsladies Skitch amber mac Bruce Prokopets Adam Christianson JC-209 AJ Vaynerchuk 1Password Christiana Ellis Will Ross Kimi Glenn Webber corwin Zachary Ricks Chuck Tomasi Christopher Todd Evo Terra Steve Saylor
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