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Took Alex to see Bolt. Surprisingly good; not the plot I expected. "You have no understanding of the awesome power of styrofoam!"
Better day so far. Meditated. Taking Alex to see Bolt. I think yesterday's lesson was "Don't forget your Lexapro two days in a row."
Rough day. Now watching An Affair To Remember. It's making me very sad, for all sorts of reasons.
Having an address at results in some fascinating spam. Lots of detailed religious screeds with Bizarro Logic.
Cleaning up before Ms. K comes over. Tra la.
I need a recommendation on a good business video projector. Contrast, price and portability are the priorities in order. Any suggestions?
A: "So where should I be during your date?" S: "Join us for dinner of course!" A: "Oh good." My marriage rocks.
I've got a date tonight, tra la la
Heading home from the Atlanta Ruby Users Group meeting. Decent presentations. But man, I'm a smartass.
My new MacBook Pro came! O frabjuous day.
The Drabblecast story is by Frank Key. Perfect fit, though I'd heard that piece on Hooting Yard. "Mute blind magnetic love monkeys."
From Drabble News: The word "Meh" is now in the dictionary. I find myself indifferent to that.
ALEX: "Ike! Ile! I love Ike!" ME: "Really? Who's Ike?" ALEX: *shrug* "I dunno."
Yesterday was a good day. I appear to be feeling NRE again. Been a while.
@mainpa Eley-style margaritas? Cool! Together, we shall join forces, and disproportionately strong margaritas will take over the world
Trying to explain to a non-programmer why Rails "Sexy Migrations" are sexy. Realizing just how idiosyncratically a geek brain is wired.
Liveblogging Merb Day at
Quick, somebody write a DataMapper task that will work like 'automigrate' but spit out a migration file! So that people will stop asking.
Heading in to Merb Day Atlanta. Yes, learning a new Web framework IS my idea of a fun Saturday.
So glad the flash is going out. "You are beautiful and full of skin!"


Rachel Kramer Bussel Chris Miller Graydancer Brent Neal Jeff Stuckey Ginger Mignon Fogarty Sam Chupp Andy Bilodeau JC-209 Clinton Christiana Ellis Kimi MA Evo Terra Scott Sigler Scott Simpson Brad Bowyer Dani Cutler Derek Colanduno Rob @ podCast411 mike dunn Remember The Milk Tabz Jonathan Coulton Viviane Matthew Selznick Jack Mangan Cheyenne Wright Mur Lafferty Pete 'Happy' Thomas Laura Burns Bobby Blackwolf Rusty Tanton Amber Rhea Earl Newton