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Got home from work and promptly fell asleep for two and a half hours. That, my friends, is not a good sign of the days to come.
Someone came into my office to complain that our shelves just hold a box of kleenex and pirate sword. But what more do I need?
Office secret santa pranks thus far include saran wrapped workstations, kissing booths, makeshift strip clubs and blogs.
@lfar haha I couldn't hear anything if more than one person spoke. And then of course the puppies had to interfere. Basically, I was useless
I love that there are people out there who have time to do things like this:
Now collecting awesome ideas for office secret santa pranks.
@Mr5280 That's fair. I'll buy you a beer when I'm ready (desperate) for some testosterone.
@Mr5280 You bet your ass! You in?
Holy shit. Shacking up with - get this - @mominreallife, @deutlich, @ihatesomuch and @dmb5_libra for the 20SB Meet-up in June. Losing it.
@DowntownHalifax Enjoy! Looking forward to the new brand in 2009!
Remodeling the interactive offices. And by remodeling, I mean putting up a white board and two floors lamps. I know. SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Disappointed in the internet. Can't find a handful of songs that I heard on the radio.
@rbmmom You know what I have to offer in June
Getting my nominations in for the 20SB Bootlegs
@lfar you are sweet and presumptuous
I am so freaking lucky to have the parents that I do.
holy can't compete, batman!


srah Kevin McCann Kate Trgovac Alexa Clark Lauren Jay Morrison brainyjane22 Bob LeDrew Connie Crosby Tamera Kremer Jessy Ouellette Jill Pyle Joel Gallant Lauren Oostveen Ryan Deschamps Michelle Toth phil barrett Craig Moore Giles Crouch Mircea Baldean Kyle Shaw Joshua Cross Ocean Nicole D. Dooce Jessi Langsen Dan J. O'Rourke Rachel S. Jon Armstrong Melissa M. Rachel Parker Mason Michelle Woo Warren Krewenki Momku
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