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Oh crap. I have breakfast on the stove >.> *zooms off*
@digitarius Hey, you should seriously hear the horribleness of the PT Cruiser's soundsystem...I feel ya dude. It's okay. ...we need humanity
@Adnarim When I get to work, you will be getting 5+ props. Here's a song featuring Bruce Dickinson.. :) ♫
And, in the spirit of how I arose from bed this morning... Edguy's new song "wake up dreaming black" ♫
@digitarius @dkoren Eesh. Sorry to both of you >< How's Ais, Devon?
For some reason woke up with this in my head. Good morning, everyone. Blind Guardian. ♫
@Billy3G omg i'm the same way. I hate talking on the phone; when I make new friends I warn them of this
@Billy3G careful you don't text him one of your tweets! Haha
I think i almost just had a heart attack.
OMG if this truck who's riding me hits me I'm going to explode.
@malcolli S'what singing music at the top of your lungs is for :D
Family obligation tonight. Heading out early to curse very loudly at the Miami traffic that will extend my commute to 90 minutes. BBL tweeps
@andreamorales Aye, that did become the general consensus. I still feel kinda odd eating 'em like candy though. Like, it's rebellious.
@alexdesigns I'm about to embark on that adventure / journey / torture / black hole myself
@harlanguthrie Gotcha. Yeah read up a little about it. will look up bear vs shark.
@ericahenao Wow, you really do have a lot of animals! I bet you can't get enough of them. I luuuuve my puppy <3
@izi LOVE the new avatar! :D
@digitarius Talk about spending too much money, eating mentos like candy (because they are), and planning a Disney World tweetup!
@Billy3G So I guess he woulda been killed off by @jazzandliquor ...yeah, that sounds about right. -.-


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