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Bright blue flash/explosion out our east window just moments ago here in L.O. -- seems likely transformers are bursting w/all the ice weight
After much hemming/hawing (and cajoling from various friends), here is the list of my ten favorite albums of 08:
More snow falling, another 3 - 6" due tonight. Neighbor explained how past snow/ice storms had "sheared" local treetops; we have new damage.
@almacy Couldn't agree more. Let the guys get their game on, fer godsakes! There are worse things in life than making a snow angel.
@fxshaw It's kind of a sad little place, isn't it? Good thing it's getting a facelift! Have a great holiday with the fam
Court just now back from the vet -- Victor's getting stitched up and given his current dopey state, going to spend the night there. Whew.
Power out now for 4+ hours - Court had to venture out to take Victor to the vet to sew up his hind legs. The weather outside IS frightful.
Digging out from under a sheet of ice on top of a foot of snow -- our poor greyhound shredded his legs when he went outside this morning.
One-foot drifts here at the house tonight - with local TV news reports saying "the heavy stuff is still to come." Send out the St. Bernards!
More snow on the ground (2 - 3" here on the hill) this morning -- no lacrosse for Tanner today. Gonna be a bowl-watching Saturday.
First time eating at Henry's Tavern -- basically upscale pub food but nice to have such a good experience in such a formerly scuzzy spot.
I can hear the SNL skit now: "I'm really gratified that you chose to vote for me -- Al Franken -- for Senate."
More snow overnight here in PDX and Tanner's school decides to call it a year -- he ends up w/ an extra week of winter vacation after all.
@PDXBlazersFTW BRoy was unreal tonight -- the guy just cannot be stopped and if he's not auto-added to the All Star team it's a crime.
Blazers over Suns by three, late, on a BRoy rainbow from beyond the arc -- most entertaining game of the year. Gotta hold on to our lead!
Guessing that Twitter must be doing some site/account maintenance -- 20+ followers disappeared but mostly only the random/"suspended" ones.
PDX friend tells me a horrrorstory about buying from Video Only: "Why should I give you a refund? You'll never buy anything more from us."
Thinking that the "bcc" function in Outlook must have some HUGE guaranteed failure rate of remaining "b" after one reply.
So much for that little "Santa Claus rally" we had going there for a minute. Dow/NASDAQ both get hammered today.
@bgrebey A.K.A. "real winter weather" vs. this penny-ante NW stuff we're dealing with.


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