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all this 'bad economy' 'world recession' talk makes me want to bank the next few checks in cash under my mattress.
Funniest dry sense of humor LOLCat ever...
@VDog my kid is so funny. does what he wants. then everyone follows him. made me want them, he looked so comfy in them.
@QueenofSpain my 5'10" 14 year old son bought himself footie pajamas. it looks cuter than hell. but not on me. now all his buds have them
@QueenofSpain so sorry, just kidding. no coat blanket thingy. perhaps some footie pajamas?
@QueenofSpain then i will break the suspense and tell you i ordered u a purple coat blanket thingy. SURPRISE!
@gapingvoid Jesus, do we want to let @1938media screw up our foreign relations like that? Calling french strangers 'fucktards'? keep him in.
@MouthyGirl congrats on your writing gig! what are dallas pd like? open minded? progressive?
twitter dm not working for me
@webster each day is a new day and we need your energy to fix things!
@the2fek that's a different house, different story, that one was debunked. This new one had a covenant until 2000.
@cburell since house bought in trust for him, i wonder if its paid for by rich friends like George H.W. Bush's house was, post-presidency?
@cburell also, W gets the house for a lower price bcuz the real estate market is in the TANK! Pays to be in the million dollar price range
@QueenofSpain Mine outgrew ChuckECheese but the pizza was tasty, as Iremember. It just cost $40 in quarters! plus food/wine
@MouthyGirl until 8 yrs ago, it had a no-non-whites covenant. 8 years ago. FAIL. in my humble opinion.
Bush moving into racist neighborhood near slave cemetery?
@PeterSantilli or if health insurance wasn't an issue, and wages were higher, movable work forces would work if profits went to communities
@TimJackson good to be a bike geek in this economy!!!
@PeterSantilli why aren't corporate profits plowed into communities instead of to shareholders? we give the tax deductions, get squat
@PeterSantilli we need to simply recalibrate and FAIL anything that doesn't improve community and human lives


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Greg Kidd Dunstan Steve Jenson Jason Goldman davegray Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca Matt Galligan Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Jay Goldman Ross om tedr Dave McClure Nick Douglas Chris MacDonald Andrew Crow Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Adam Hertz Dion Hinchcliffe PhoneBoy Martin Hall Scott Beale Oren Michels Kulveer Chris Prakoso
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