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@catrona Da habe ich mir noch keine Meinung gebildet..Als Vertreter einer Hochschule halte ich natürlich die akademische Fahne hoch
Again a lot of trouble with PR examinations of private offerers in Germany: &
Reading "Daimler & Twitter", and following @hronlinewahl now
Reading a lot of commencements of speeches - exercise texts of my students
Browsing VizEdu, a blog "with a Zero Text policy" - instead, they use Flash, videos, pics & presentations #education
Reading some posts on Google Friend Connect
ok, finished a presentation on Nonprofit-PR for our PR course today. Time for a coffee - and some admin jobs...
A warm welcome to a lot of new followers. As a result of a discussion some days ago I do not apply for following protected feeds any more.
@m_muehlhauser Patient tot. Habe aber alle Updates der Seiten in der Mailbox und kann die Pages rekonstruieren, nicht aber die Attachments
@FerdinandvR I'm trying my best. Looks like more decentralization: I'm following your example and set up separate wikis for each group
Horror 2.0: Instead of deleting a page I deleted a complete #Google Sites wiki. Hope, to be able to recover it
@veit64 Once again we similar ideas: I also recommended to join Fair Company to get advantages in recruiting ;-)
Convinced a PR pro not to offer internships without payment to our students #fairness
@zukunftonlinepr You're right: #Friendfeed doesn't offer reasonable profiles of its members.
@hansdorsch: Yes, I got several hours after following @MrTweet helpful feedback: Two quite comprehensive lists
Think, I'll introduce @MrTweet to my students today
Morning. Was looking for examples of business podcasts and stumbeld upon the new corporate website of BASF. A bit playful now
Retweeting @blampe: das ist mal ein super Ansatz für Spendensammeln - konkreter gehts fast nicht mehr:
Great: Thomas Reutter (Report Mainz and one of our lecturers) is awarded with the "Mainzer Journalistenpreis"
Kicked off a hopefully interesting discussion on Corporate Twitter strategies (Corporate Media Blog) #daimler


Robert French neville Nicole Simon Johannes Kleske Steve Rubel Social Media Club Bruno Amaral alex wunschel Phil Gomes Wolfgang Lünenbürger Charlene Li Robert Basic andreas milles Sebastian Keil Siegfried Hirsch Gerrit van Aaken Marcel Weiss Michael Beglinger Marius Eriksen Klaus Eck Christian B. Hagen Fisbeck David Weinberger Heinz Wittenbrink Georg Holzer Isabel Anger Frank Hamm Bjoern Sievers Markus Pirchner AIDG Jan Michael Ihl David Phillips Ed Wohlfahrt Barbara Gibson Joachim Niemeier Michael van Laar
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