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@tenacubus In which case I'd probably need a new graphics board anyway.
Retweeting @abritez: very cool totally useless site
Thinking I'll go with the single GPU. Most multitasking while gaming would be a web browser, anyway, not another graphic-heavy app.
Anyone have thoughts: Radeon HD 4870 1GB vs Radeon 4870 X2 2GB? Worth the extra money?
Think I'm going with Q9550 for processor over the Q6600. Now, Radeon 4870 1GB or 4870 X2 2GB? Thoughts?
@themanda That's why I'm looking at components right now.
@tenacubus Yes, exactly. I want to build it this year, so I can't wait 6mo for the prices to drop.
To be fair, I do know a guy who failed out because of Halo.
WoW a leading cause of college dropouts Except doctors no longer treat gaming as an addiction. Hmm.
Going with Core 2 Quad instead of Core i7. If I was willing to wait 6 months, I'd go with the Core i7 920 Nehalem, but I'm impatient.
@RyanSwagar Did the German or Chinese auto workers take wage cuts?
Still sick, but trying to suck it up, play through the pain, etc.
@chrisjlee I like building them more than using them, personally.
Just finished scouring newegg for parts for a new system. This one was built in December 2003. I build them to last.
Woo, new hard drive. Finally getting everything set back up.
Sorry for the sudden absence. Replacing a full hard drive on the work computer. Almost done.
Feels like a slow day. Need coffee. And to resize my boot camp partition.
@themanda I got the message, I was just briefly away.
RT @enterzon: Anyone behind a hardware firewall want to help me out? @ or D me.
I love when it's so cold my hands stiffen up. But the thermostat is at 75. Lunch time, I guess.


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