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My brother's business holiday e-card includes the line "Not available in all states." I'm not kidding.
1-5" of snow for Seattle tomorrow, but the weather service's briefing suggests Sunday could be even bigger. Time to shovel.
@WriterWay And now you know why I even make friends pay for any web work I do for them.
@tara I was going to ask if you wanted a pudding pop.
One week from my two weeks of Christmas, family chaos, dying, marrying, and a lot of flying. I do not consider it a vacation.
@moniguzman Hey, where's Metblogs? Oh wait, we don't have a Twitter account. Oops.
@moniguzman Also two UW television related Twitter accounts: @ResearchChannel and @uwtv.
@samantham Well, with your cold Floridian bones I recommend either investing in fleece or mammals. Or a fleece-covered mammal.
@WoS Ha! -15, -80 windchill, blowing snow and ice crystals, no winter jacket, and walking to-from finals. That was coooold.
@moniguzman Hey! School of Public Health is @sphcm. Other UW schools may have them.
@jtoddb actually, lots of web use down, looks like. Our web stats were flat last week, first time in months.
I'm not literally bipolar. I just feel that way sometimes.
@debrouillard Could you take Dan Hawkins off our hands, so we can go grab Turner Gill already?
I have a Brobee (from Yo Gabba Gabba) doll I bought for the office. He's most like me -- bipolar and always flailing his arms.
NWS is now saying 1-2" of snow in Seattle city Wednesday, up to 6" in the hills. So, nothing for me, a foot for West Seattle.
I know my present is not my future. But I also need to figure out what that future needs to be so I can get there.
If all your competitors in your field had at least two full-time web people, shouldn't you have at least one yourself?
@TKDawn When is it not frozen lately? At least it's not the ice storm last year -- it killed my grandmother. No, really.
@mattmay Unfortunately, this is an image (holiday card), and I don't have time to really do it justice in HTML. I guess alt would work.
hey accessibility folk: What's the current opinion on longdesc? I have an image that probably needs one for alt text.


seanbonner josh Dean Hudson Tantek Çelik Derek Featherstone Andrea Matt Herzberger Patrick Berry Karen Anderson Glenda Sims Anil Dash Leif Hansen Rex Sorgatz    Erica OGrady microformats Will Carroll Tim Trentham Brian Panulla Metblogs Colin Matt Haughey SXSW Jarrod Trainque kathleen vandervelde Tim Windsor Anita Rowland Mark Greenfield Stuart Miller J. D. Harper Todd Sanders Ralph Brandi JoshuaStrebel Steven Gomez Paula Ganyard FJ GAYLOR  Mindy Limback
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