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is wondering if shoe tossing will soon become an Olympic sport?
must say good-bye in the rain today - it will be a sad day
today is the 34th anniversary of the introduction of the Altair 8800, the first PC, with 256 byte memory, no keyoard and no display.
had to brush ice off his newspapers this morning and for once I am not speaking metaphorically - time to move to Fiji
is beginning to worry that the US is looking like Japan in 1991 at the beginning of a very, very long economic slump
@jerrymichalski effective friend search is fundamentally broken on social network sites - addressing this would create huge value
fought hail to get to work today - an unusual challenge for the Bay area
has given up waiting for the sun and is now reconciled to clouds and rain, still grateful that it is far better than the Boston storms
is patiently awaiting the rise of the sun . . .
worries about the consequences tonight of the biggest full moon in 15 years best to stay inside unless a werewolf
just saw that Steve Hamm at Business Week gave a favorable mention to shaping strategies on his blog at
watched tonight as the moon broke through rose colored clouds at sunset
is looking forward to finally meeting the philosopher.
The sun burst forth over the horizon this morning as if it could not wait to spread its warmth and light and push back the fog below
is looking forward to two great workshops today to review our research and then hosting a dinner on shaping strategies
is excited about seeing three great surf music bands today - Insect Surfers, Berzerkers and Pollo del Mar
published a blog posting on the use of the Pareto 80/20 rule to drive leveraged growth at
is debating whether to head down to Maverick's to see some spectacular big waves
can't wait to see Cadillac Records chronicling an important part of the transition from R&B to rock 'n' roll
wonders why there isn't more public outrage over an emerging public policy regime where rewards are privatized and losses socialized


Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Ross Dave McClure Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe BJ Cook Dave Morin seth goldstein Caterina brady forrest Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd jimbo wales Kevin Marks Jeremiah Jeremy Zawodny Werner Vogels Joi Ito Pierre Omidyar Steven Levy Mark Yolton Kevin Werbach Nat Torkington Fred Wilson Bruce Sterling BJ Fogg David Weinberger Robert Hof Jeff Jarvis John Markoff Jimmy Guterman Steven Johnson Tim O'Reilly JP Rangaswami