David Kadavy’s Favorites

David Kadavy
kadavy No matter how shitty it is outside, just remember: Earth - for the time being - still has the best weather in THE UNIVERSE.
Kim Gaskins
krgaskins Look, iPhone, some of us still can tell "it's" from "its." So get your unsolicited apostrophes outta my pronouns; I'm feeling possessive.
fadedgiant i like to use the word "retarded" appropriately just to upset people. e.g. "my cell phone reception was retarded because of the concrete."
shoesonwrong I hate that sinking feeling I get when I google something and realize right AFTER I've clicked on a link that it's taking me to a MSN page.
tj Some idiot just walked into the hospital carrying McDonald's take out. Related: it's me.
Tim Siedell
badbanana My sweet tooth is giving an impressive PowerPoint presentation on the merits of eating wedding cake for lunch.
Tim Racine
TimRacine New Indiana Jones movie: I accidentally opened all the copies I bought yesterday; NONE OF THEM ARE ANY GOOD! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Pek Pongpaet
wushudork quote of the day "early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese"
Ryan Halvorsen
arlotm economic crisis, day 4: Boiling Nintendo Wii for sustenance.
joe schmidt
joeschmidt I *was* planning on reading my children "Feudalism & You" tonight until the stock market decided to rebound. Back on the shelf you go.
Tim Racine
TimRacine Politeness Tip: Instead of calling someone a slut, just say they have adventurous genitals.
Tim Racine
TimRacine Blind guy with noise cancelling head phones: Bad idea, bro!
tj 'Never Forget' that after planes crashed into buildings on 9/11 and the country looked to W for leadership, he said GO SHOPPING. Now? Debt.
Tim Racine
TimRacine Back from first day of model-school. Professor says with some work my butt could look like Tyra Banks' boobs! I'm gonna be head of the c ...
joeavella bull frogs? that's a funny name. I would have called them Chaz-Wozzles.
Tim Racine
TimRacine How much 'tang would I get if I was a professional ping pong player as opposed to just being a fan of professional ping pong?
joe schmidt
joeschmidt Checked my 401k to see how it was doing. All the fancy bar graphs & pie charts were replaced with the words: PLAN ON WORKING UNTIL YOU DIE
Tim Racine
TimRacine Fun Fact: If a CVS cashier makes eye contact with you, they will be fired on the spot.
Tim Racine
TimRacine Cop on ATV: "There aren't enough kick-ass jumps in downtown Chicago."
Tim Racine
TimRacine One beer per load of laundry seem appropriate. What I mean to say is: I PLAN to get alcohol poisoning today.


Biz Stone Evan Williams casey Quinn Chris Sacca Wayne Sutton om tedr Dave McClure Nick Douglas David Ulevitch Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Harper Scott Beale Mark Smithivas neil k Milan Andric Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sanford B lane biverson Joanne Wan m@ Megan McCarthy Vinnie Lauria Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Jim Long Amit superamit Gupta Jonathan Lassoff Tantek Çelik James Yu Simon Crowley  Chris Heuer
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