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Just back from the Burt Bachrach "Loser's Lounge" show at Joe's Pub in NYC. Insanely fun.
RT @jeremymeyers Authentic passion is infectious, not obnoxious.
I wonder how long Chanel was selling "Chanel Number Two" before they realized people would think it smelled like merde.
@elle6503 It's easier to show you what Beatmaker on the iPhone/iPod Touch does than tell you. Video:
How, exactly, did the economy go bad? See infographic (not created by @Armano) here:
RT @ScottMonty Ford Fund and Ford volunteers will provide 5,500 meals to Meals on Wheels on Christmas Day. <-- Ford rocks for doing this.
Have iPhone/ iPod Touch, but don't have the Beatmaker app? You're missing out on a LOTof fun. $20, but totally worth it.
Just finished a looping session to replace an actress' lines in a TV spot. Amazing how much better the spot feels now.
Tried to make copies on a machine that's best described as an anti-productivity device. Worse jams than a P-Diddy CD and tons of 'em.
Back to the gym after a too-long layoff. Weights glared balefully; treadmill shrugged, like it had no idea who I am.
RT @redstarvip Mr. Obama's Internet Agenda -
@paiiige An exorcism of your TV may be required. Check with your local church.
Watching my Mother-In-Law teaching my wife how to make a family cake recipe. 1,000% adorable.
Classic Andy Kaufman: Hat tip to @steffanantonas
Bush Dodges Everything: http://bushdodgeseverything...
Facebook is now valued at $2 Billion, down from $15B earlier.
@cdny I love pop music, and IMHO @MCHammer was a lot of fun. I bought the music. My guess is he's actually a pretty smart guy.
When I was single and Madonna BEGGED me to marry her, I said "Not for a million bucks". But for $92M...
@cdny Simple. People are jealous of @MCHammer. They can't touch this. Because it's Hammertime.
Writing Christmas cards with "The Weakerthans" blaring and a nice glass of bourgogne rouge going. This may become a tradition :-)


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest veen Dennis Crowley Jerry Michalski Noah Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Matt Cutler Michael Sharon Tom Limongello Clay Johnson Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Michael Sippey mdy dax Chris Brogan Alan Weinkrantz Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Sam Harrelson Mel Kirk
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