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@briancsmith I used my site to find all tweets around necc, then dm'ed those who said they'd received rejection notices.
Indicate you'll be attending the 2009 EduBloggerCon + Classroom 2.0 Meetup at
@markwagner Yes, was sweet, but had to get wife's approval to buy when I saw it was available. But I have big plans
Using to find microblogged NECC rejections and extend invitation to EduBloggerCon and NECC Unplugged.
Stressed Over NECC Rejections? Don't Be.
@gardenglen Count on presenting at NECC Unplugged. There's always an audience! (That should be our motto!)
I meant EduBloggerCon & NECC "Unplugged!"--the unconference during the conference. Those great presentations you want to give--give them!
Don't despair over NECC rejections. EduBloggerCon and NECC "Live" want YOU! :) Both will take place again, bigger and better.
Authoritative post on Edublog Award time and place now up:
Confusion about time of Edublog Awards. Link indicates Friday 3pm SF which I think is wrong. re:
Educators + Web 2.0 = Classroom 2.0
So, a family of six is out of luck! Darn! Just like the Verizon family plan... 5 is the limit! re:
Classroom 2.0 hit 15,000 members this weekend. Think I'll celebrate tonight w/some (non-alcoholic) egg nog--not good for me but oh-so-good!
@nycrican2 I'm an opportunistic Twitter user who deserves no credit for being here. :) Wish I had the time to follow it more.
@bookminder Wahoo! Gotta love that response. Let me now if you have any ideas!
@bhwilkoff I'll see if I can weight the Ning sites. You saw the "just Ning" box below, right?
@drewmca Glad it worked. Wasn't really sure it would appeal to anyone else than me!
@seani Oh, a "brilliant" comment. You made my day. :)
Just created to search for conversations across ALL Ning networks, plus blogger, twitter, and more. Want feedback!
Classroom 2.0 Live web meeting on research being proposed on the network:


Chris Sacca danah boyd Steve Dembo arthus John Pederson Lissa Coffey Ewan McIntosh Lucy Gray  Alec Couros Dean Shareski Josie Fraser  Doug Belshaw Tim Wilson davecormier K Christopherson Kris - PBwiki team Kristian Still Kelly Dumont Jeff Utecht Bill Drew D Draper Will Richardson Marcie T. Hull Bud Hunt Joyce Valenza Chris ONeal Christian Einfeldt Jeff Lebow Ben Wilkoff EdTechTalk Bernie Dodge Tim O'Reilly Vicki Davis Jose  Rodriguez tina gasperson Julie Lindsay
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