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@RuudHein But it should make one focus mostly on tweets that are likely to have soem interest to others.
@graywolf Ah, you can go online, but you can't stop being human. Unfortunately, same goes for everyone else.\
Twittering live from...the school Christmas luncheon! They're fiddling in the big red guy.
Off Twitter in a few moments to attend the Christmas luncheon at my dughters' school. Yum.
@fairminder Feel free to email me if you want details. He probably shares your name or picked it randomly.
Tonight is The Happy Guy Marketing's office Christmas party. Comedy Club. Dinner. Will I bring Twitterberry with me? Who knows?
Just left silly comment on lodsing followers at
@BambiBlue Yesterday I realized my avatar at was from before I buzzed my hair a few years ago! Fixed it now, though.
@jillwhalen Some repeat spammer is using his name. If @fairminder comments on my blog, he should tweet me so I don't nuke his comment.
I hope there isn't some real person named "Jim Spence" who someday comments on my blog, b/c his comment will be auto-spammed with the rest.
My interview on WebMaster Radio from earlier today: Topic: Sticky SEO
@BambiBlue You'll have to change your avatar. Is it worth it? :-)
@ScottMonty I've DMed much more than 280 before.
It's absolutely nuts at the Maison Des Arts; not just the dancers here for the rehearsal, but all us parents, too!
But did we all sphinn it?
How many people tweet the same article. @seobag , then me, then @seo_websem , then @michellem
RT from @seobag Do Social Media Links Translate In Organic Rankings? by @graywolf
Happines has a rippling effect


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