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Thanks for the birthday tweets, you guys! Very nice to watch them roll in this morning. :)
RT @harveymilk: "Innovations occur when you have networks of people with diverse backgrounds gathering around a problem” (via @valdiskrebs)...
@harveymilk i'm using your quote from Robert Fishkin (via @valdiskrebs) in a presentation. Perfect fit!
Steelers win!
Watching the Stillers with my family and working. Trying to enjoy the company, but totally overwhelmed. Just one more week of insanity.
@jamesfarrar links for the financial crisis lecture? No, but I can send you slides. D me your email addr.
Learning about option strategy called "straddle and strangle."
Fannie & Freddie used gov't guarantee to lend at low rates. Encouraged innovation by other lenders.
2008 subprime crash: Subprime loans may've been a bet on housing prices & credit-worthiness of borrowers.
Banks are probably more important than the stock market to economic stability.
Types of financial crises: banking, currency, twin. Costs: fiscal costs and output loss.
Attending a special class session on financial crises. Starting with stock market crash of 1987.
Mom and Bets on their way from the airport. Ready for a glass of wine or 5 at Tinto. Plan to order everything on the menu.
Awesome! RT @lancearmstrong: Just got Johan using Twitter.
Thanks, you guys. I'm fine - just a little fender bending fun. I'll be watching out for falling pianos.
Double whammy: Guy with no insurance smashes into my car, and I see a high school boyfriend on the sidewalk while assessing damage. TGIF.
Kicking off a new community platform for an important customer. On the launch call. My instructions are to "say something smart." Good times
@mediaeater PB&J: great track from a great album. perfect for a Friday AM that's likely to spin out of control as soon as I open my Inbox.
@lotd "All these things will pass, it's the good ones that will last" The Rural Alberta Advantage
Hysterical: RT @anamariecox: Repair shop loaner car is an SUV. It's like I'm starring in "asshole for a day!"


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Sacca danah boyd Ross Dion Hinchcliffe Thomas Vander Wal Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Geoff DiMasi Alex Hillman Andrew Parker Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Jim Long Jevon debs Lee LeFever ian c rogers Stephen Collins rands Hugh MacLeod cote Craig Cmehil Nigel James Alvaro Tejada James Governor Mark Patrick Finnern dan mcweeney Jeremiah christoph Oliver Kohl Kimberly Blessing
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