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poconos ... snowing ... fire in fireplace ... holiday festive drinks ... ahhhh
@davecormier ... is davey wavey sicky-poo?
Home again in nj
In Chicago ... Obama-riffic here in loop!
what happened to
@sleslie .. THAT is going to be the starting link at ETW tonight!
@jonidunlap ... nice meeting you today ... just looked up your blog and saw your twitter id ... I'm at
yep .. go Badgers
@bbartel ... Go Badgers! (from Hoboken, NJ)
Join us now for EdTechWeekly on EdTechTalk at
@gsiemens That is "real world" networking for you! Not always efficient or effective! We seem to be sipping same Kool Aid - nice job!!!
btw ... Need to learn not to be sucked into debate by cranky kermudgins ... I always lose
btw ... Need to learn not to be sucked into debate by cranky kermudgins ... I always lose
btw ... Need to learn not to be sucked into debate by cranky kermudgins ... I always lose
heading back to mom's from Dist learn conf ... Fun hearing George and Bonk co-present ... Miss my virtual peeps
back to abundance
getting to networked learning .. The good part :)
(rather) cool
shiny objects ... Pool


danah boyd arvind s grover Steve Dembo Emily Chang Lee LeFever gsiemens Nancy White Jeff O'Hara Robert Jones John Pederson Graham Stanley arroba John Edwards Ewan McIntosh Jason Robertshaw Clive Thompson timlauer noneck Cole Brent Schlenker Steve Jobs tomit Drew Domkus Scott Anderson  Alec Couros Dean Shareski Alan Levine Abject Learner Josie Fraser Nick Noakes David Beach  Doug Belshaw tengrrl Steve Hargadon Andy Carvin Ben Digman
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