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ebay had a billboard a while ago claiming they had as many searches as google, but comscore data doesn't bear that out.
off to blekko xmas party
pre-caching of top 4M anchors yielded 10% coverage on my dataset of 2M deduped user search querys. mwah ha ha.
@tklein putting off turning on the cache though so we don't fool ourselves on actual performance on true random queries
@tklein yeah we can prepop cache with all top least those that yield a strong navigational winner for position #1
@tklein not sure why cuil was surprised by fraction of vanity queries...everyone's first query is always their name
@jayrosen_nyu does that lump's pv's in with
@tklein haven't put caching in yet. cuil got in trouble because they had far fewer cache hits than they were expecting.
hmmm I can do 350 searches/second, will that be enough for launch day? cuill got peak 3000/sec.
testing linux io schedulers. @burtonator says he uses deadline. any recommendations/data?
@jayrosen_nyu @davewiner 1.3B pageviews for NYT is definitely do-able. heck topix has 130M/month. they have to _want_ it though.
@codinghorror just shut off wifi on your iphone and use edge to simulate modem access for usability testing
Dynasty on Castro, used to eat here all the time, was open until 1am. long gone. made failblog because of their sign:
Lots of ideas, but for some reason I still don't feel like blogging. I'm going to blame it on the economy.
@duckduckgo congrats on your techcrunch video!
@yegg costco jerky blows. I got some big john's jerky in the mail, it's pretty good. need to try more. gun show jerky still the best.
@Edubya gift ideas: booze, books, beef jerky, that device that can let you know if your garage door is open, or a pepper grinder that works
@JasonCalacanis you're not looking at Kosmix's main seo domain. see (re @MyWayOnNow)
so nice of our building to stock the lobby with dead poinsettias
@twitter, please don't show me replies from people with protected updates. sick of hitting the wall when I click to get the context


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