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"We're focused on delivering a sucessful Christmas"- an unintentional management bullshit pun from Royal Mail spokesman on Today?
No response today from moo about their cock up of my christmas card order. So sorry relatives, no cards for you this year :( @overheardatmoo
Just opened my exciting parcel from to find all 25 Christmas cards have print errors. My illusion of moo is shattered :(
Waiting at North Acton part 2: battery train waits for the signal to go deeper underground.
Waiting at North Acton part 1: Brick outhouse detail.
Enjoying the brilliant Christmas lights in Covent Garden Market-basically an art installation.
Finally in the dry after getting soaked on my way both to and from work. Very enjoyable day of French and Sinhala transmissions from Bush.
On the final cut keys again. Working in Azeri today.
On my way to hammersmith to see Frankie Boyle. Wohoo!
@GarethM You mean to say you didn't offer the co-pilot your services?
Apple store staff officially useless. 30 minutes waiting *after* my apointment there was no acceptance of a fault with my iPhone. :(
What's that pain in my leg? Could it be my iPhone? It's boiling hot and has lost a full charge in 4 hours. Hmmmmmm.
Heading home after a quiz for tech types. We managed to hold on to (some of) the beeb's reputation by coming 4th.
Reading the Acorn A5000 product manual. The photos are vividly reminding me of my early introduction to computers.
Extremely enjoyable evening in Bush House chatting with/at @GarethM
@owain_rich Doesn't look like chocolate. More like a milkshake perhaps... ;)
@ruskin147 Scorpions wikipedia page is blocked by my ISP. Shame it took me less than 15 seconds/2 clicks to circumvent their block.
It's late on Sunday but there's no new Bugle podcast... I'm getting worried :(


Ian Forrester Chris V Tom Coates Brian Fling Kieren McCarthy Peter Bowyer Darren Waters James Cridland Jason Cartwright Ewan Spence Damon C Daniel Appelquist Colin Birch richard sambrook Bill Thompson Nick Jeffery Paul McNally Ant Miller Techmeme Rory Cellan-Jones Lewis Webb Sarah Mines Steve O'Hear David Spark Joe Stump Dan Oliver Socialthing! Charles Arthur BNO News Jonathan Hopkins Jeremy Hillman BBC Click Simon Maddox Guy Kawasaki Stevie Knight jonfildes