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The Jam's final gig was 26 years ago today ( I'll sound very old if I admit to being there. Best. Band. Ever.
Updating my Wordpress and Drupal sites to the latest versions. Dull but necessary.
last tweet = a fitting tribute to
@iansealy i got the first one, but that's only because i cheated and started it before i began timing. gave up after that!!
Oops. Last post should have added link:
Hmmm.... not sure that the timer on the 11-plus test on the BBC ( works too well. The fastest 10 minutes of my : htt ...
Trying to like, but miffed by its free text interface. Good in theory, but frustrating in reality as it's not forgiving ...
The Royal Institution Christmas lectures look like they're going to be pretty good this year -
@jamesdownes Thanks for that. Probably won't bother upgrading to 4. More likely to make the switch to VMware at some point in the future.
The Parallels update reminder has now crashed Parallels twice on two different machines - not filling me with confidence about upgrading!
Hello Amazon DRM-free MP3 store. Goodbye iTunes store?
Found a mouse scrabbling about under the kitchen sink (a cat gift, probably), and the little blighter bit me when I grabbed him. Ow!
@nicwhitton I'd recommend CameraBag to give you more interesting pics, Fring if you use Skype and Ocarina just because it's fun!
Apple's 1-day savings event is a bit lame. Apple TV was £269. Now £258. Whoop-de-do.
After 3 temporary office moves in the last month, I'm finally settling into the real thing. Ah, the smell of fresh paint!
@Rerun_van_Pelt Thanks for the link - I've added my voice!
Playing around with prototyping in Fireworks CS4. Brain now hurts, so back to Omnigraffle!
Recovering from seeing my poor Seiko kinetic watch get run over by a Mercedes. It still works, but lacks a certain aesthetic appeal!


veen Mr Messina leisa Joe Leech Ian Sealy Laura Francis Capn Sensible Ma.gnolia Adaptive Path Henning Grote Dan Dixon Josie Fraser Pete Gilbert Jared M. Spool UIE Brian Kelly Louis Rosenfeld Ivor Davey Ed Mitchell Dave Ellender Giles Colborne BBC Breaking News Iain Claridge Praminda Caleb-Solly Matt Jukes ubadboy ChuiChui 37signals Hector Peebles E-consultancy jiscemerge James Downes The 10th Wonder kierenpitts Sam Menter JanChipchase