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family coming round this afternoon. christmas starts here :)
sense of taste slowly returning...just in time for a trip to India Gate tonight...madras beckons.
it's 10:30pm on friday night and I'm working ffs.
wrapping Mrs C's xmas presents and watching Family Guy.
@djgraham yeah...been getting a few recently.
updating things with work stuff to do on January 5th. Yep, January 5th. Hurrah for me.
@SimonHume I*really* wish you hadn't mentioned that - looks treeeemendous. I'm also hopelessly addicted to Exit:Hijouguchi on the DS :/
@SimonHume crikes...almost as bad as stickcricket. good job work for the year is (almost) over!
quick game on Fieldrunners on t'iphone
RT @realfreshtv: "There’s something going down on Facebook. Pay attention." From @rachelreuben & @chrisbrogan
@djgraham yes, Horwich Tesco. Dread to think what it'll be like later...but I have a very low threshold for supermarkets ;)
I went to Tesco. It was a big mistake. Gave up, came home, had a brew. Much better.
first thing this morning is bike training. much less painful than my trip to tesco will be later.
waiting for another 30 minute snapshot of me on the telly...Lead Balloon
staff christmas lunch means that I can't even get a cup of tea. grrrrrr.
staff christmas lunch. I'm not staff.
@paul_robinson ugh, that sounds very nasty. Glad you're feeling better
@paul_robinson Oh, I'm OK - just a heavy cold. Have never experienced mucus like this though!
@paul_robinson good news! I'm still battling the marshmallow type substance that is embedded in my sinuses. Oh and zero sense of taste.
@LittleLaura oh cool. just seen that I can do it using sketches on t'iphone. will give that a whirl. ta much tho'


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