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wonders if anyone else is getting HTTP 500 errors on @nialler9 blog? :(
@stroughtonsmith dude, awesome. Port is 100% Java now?
saw *so many* skinny black ties last night. More of them on the dancefloor than in any tierack store in the country.
is back in the West after 2 days in Dublin
On train, listening to Muzak on my Cowon D2 (not charged since oct 07 & survived 2 transatlantic trips). Boo iPhone!
@trusttommy @patrickc Conversing across the room - online? You need FriendFace. *points to last nights IT Crowd on Channel4*
@patrickc I've got musak to learn for tonight from a band I don't know but am going to see. oh did you sleep?
wishes he could add music to his iPhone without causing everything already on it to be deleted
@TrustTommy Weekend. The rule is one must sleep in to at least 10. Well that's what I want right now :/
@NiallHarbison you know of any site that list cheap&cheerful omnomnomeries in the city? I wanna have breakfast/lunch 2m randomly somewh nice
is considering a trip to the UK in the new year for cheaper mac love.
@TrustTommy Cool, but you'll fill your friends news feed pretty quickly ;-)
sees that our local exchange is to be covered by the National Broadband Scheme. So 3band next year?
think it's time to book a hotel in Dublin for tomorrow.
@stroughtonsmith I dabbled a bit with iPhone work using cygwin + toolchain. Want xcode though. Want mac. Would love air. Maybe macbook
@stroughtonsmith You went from Air->Pro for i Dev work. Out of interest, why the move?
@VodafoneIreland In my phone contract I want data transfer cap > 1GB; and better value than PAYG. i.e. more minutes & txts than the cost. :)
@anguslogan Is mesh supposed to work through HTTP Authed proxies that can only access port 443 & 80? Not working for me :(
Final Christmas exam completed. Now to deal with a couple hundred negelected emails.


James Corbett R. Tyler Ballance Joseph Johnson Alexia Golez polldaddy Patrick Collison John Collison Anthony Volodkin Olivia Kiely Jonathan Day richardbranson Martha Rotter Silicon Ireland dconnolly Tommy Collison David rickoshea NiallHarbison Andrew Sampson seanfee80 guruz David Coallier OpenCoffee Dublin  Steve T-S Stephen Fry packetlife Paul Kelly Mr Tweet NoelRock