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@SaraD: because they were outside. where it's throw-water-in-the-air-and-it-freezes-before-it-hits-the-ground cold.
i really need to learn to stop doing things outside when it's below 10 degrees in my boxers. before it costs me. but the genny's off.
this is irking me. on the other hand, my Facebook followers are probably celebrating:
@dberlind: i expect the power to be back on shortly, but much appreciate the offer. if it ends up being 2 weeks, i may take you up on it ;)
haven't shaved since we lost power. it's not a great look for sog.
"What you car says about you" is an awesome post. even if she gets Volvos completely and entirely wrong:
because i don't have the genny wired into the circuit breaker, i'm relying on candles. scented candles. it stinks of "Pure Linen" in here.
@ghaff: yeah, i'm still worried about the pipes, but there's not much i can do on that front. in the meantime, i won't freeze to death.
and not a moment too soon, as it's 9 degrees outside. right now, the genny is powering the heater) my laptop, and charging the iPhone.
who said you can't fit a Husky 5000 watt generator into a Volvo S40? it's hard (the cursed thing is heavy) but it can be done. i have power!
Az and I aren't coming to Boston tonight, for those of you I talked to about it. we're going to hole up and wait for power.
@kellypuffs: i missed my car service appointment Friday. my exact line? "Yeah, I can't actually get my car out of the garage, so..."
who just called me from Austin?
@johnmark: thx! @daveraffaele: rumor last night was two weeks, but that's absurd. i'd bet we have power by Mon or Tues. Wed at the latest.
@jhenry: Shootenanny's the most accessible
I'm #129 on the generator list. there are 100 known to be coming in.
come to think of it, I should probably shower while I'm in town: my metallic reek is strong
@coreygilmore: AT&T coverage is basically non-existent from Winter Park to Grand Lake. so it is, and so it shall always be.
Az and I are back from our slumber party power. still. going out to buy supplies and possibly a genny.
i'm one of these million people, and while i'm ok personally, i'm very worried about a) Az and b) our pipes:


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