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New post (#technometria): Fusion vs. Parallels: The Horse Race Continues
Good 4 inches of snow in Lindon.
Watching Chistmas Carol at Hale Center Theater. Family tradition.
Have I mentioned this morning how much I hate IE?
@itdx I wish I had that option. :-) Firefox is so easy to program for.
Today I get to debug Javsscript in IE. Happy happy joy joy.
Done running errands. Getting ready for Christmas party tonight.
A fine grey Navy day!!
@pfhyper HDTV is the same band as UHF, so any good UHF antenna will work well.
Had an ugly bug I had to solve tonight. Ugh. I was hoping to be done by 7 and watch a movie with the fam. Didn't happen.
@MikeDJones It was great and yes, if the weather reports are correct for next week, there's not going to be a whole lot of biking happening
Working on a Friday night. Something wrong with that. :-)
#biking in Provo Canton. Sunny and glorius.
#boarding at SFO. Headed home from a great #addoncon
@TelegramSam One additional step out of the way!
#addoncon Notes from the Future of Browsers panel:
New post (#technometria): The Future of Browsers
New post (#technometria): Multi-Platform Add-On Lessons Learned


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Ross om Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe WDavidStephenson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dean Landsman Stowe Boyd Tantek Çelik Gabe Wachob Robert Scoble Ted Leung Scott Kveton Chuck Phillips Jeff Barr cote Peter Fleck Kevin Marks Jeremy Zawodny Joseph Scott Werner Vogels Jeff Singfiel CNN Breaking News Fred Stutzman Macworld Chad Dickerson Kevin Railsback Tieg Zaharia Denise Howell David Orban
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