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It's the cutest wee baby snowfall.
Our new reality show pitch: "Temptation Island" meets "No Escape". Just put the money in our Paypal account, Mr. Network.
@rabg we can work something out with @remender's family and attorney.
@rabg got a keyboard for you.
Electricians of the teens did not adequately anticipate my need for three printers.
@mattfraction It's all in the sexy, greasy, smoky game.
@kateconsumption Little bit, yeah. My back can't tell the difference, though.
Total cost of the move: $44. And, y'know, four days of manual labor.
Turning things back in to Uhaul feels like the last day of school.
One more dresser to move, then hanging curtains, then sleep, then van rental, then big stuff moving, then cleaning, then collapse.
@hotdogsladies I'll include it in my gift guide if you write a gift guide that features my gift guide.
@rabg happy spontaneous birthday.
@chuckbb Don't worry; I already killed the guy that did it.
Holy jeez, I spent so many hours on that game at Blueberry Hill. Explains so much.
Five moving trips today. Getting there.
@rabg I will turn up and turn it down.
Hot new guy-on-paper action:
@warrenellis "Slapping the Internet into Tiny Pieces Since 1996"


Jason Goldman Andy Baio Twitterrific Bill Keaggy hotdogsladies Joseph Kim kate bingaman Frank Beaton Kelly Sue DeConnick Warren Ellis Laurenn McCubbin Ashley Goldberg Kieron Gillen Paul Ford Dawn Sanders Rantz Hoseley Steven Sanders henryleo madolan mattfraction Jayhauf jamiegoodridge kmellon tinymeat lauren engelhardt Remender ivan brandon salgood Jamie McKelvie jamiesuit sleeple55 hopelarson Terry L. Tyson mrsholst Kevin Cross